We have created and are creating more opportunities for our advance, gifted intermediate performing arts & character education students to gain more hands on experience in the field besides performance field trips & community service field trips, after going through the process of our pre-beginner, beginner, and intermediate level classes! This gives our students a chance to apply their performing arts & character education skills in the actual arts & entertainment fields. The mission is to raise our students up to be a light and make a positive impact in the arts field & entertainment industry, whether it's locally, nationally, globally, in the church, or in the field. We are bridging the gap! View our opportunities below! Additional opportunities will be posted on our school's bulletin board as they come! Click on each photo to the view details of each opportunity!
We are constantly finding ways to cover our students, making sure that they have someone to reach out to in a time of spiritual need if ever away and need support. Posted below are global ministries that consult or pray on your behalf. This will give you a strong support system, while blazing your trails in the arts community. It is important to stay connected, while on your journey in growing as ministers of the arts who are either called to the church or called to the field. Click on the names of the following global prayer ministries that will set up a 1-on-1 appointment to pray for and with you. View their websites. If you are in an area that we are familiar with, contact us directly at (615) 378-7064 or [email protected], and we can refer you to a local church in your area.
Healing Rooms of D.C. The Hollywood Prayer Network |
Q: As a signed talent with an agency, how many times should I contact my agent?
A: It is important to reach out to your agent with updates on what you are doing every month (from screenings, dance performances, church plays, school plays, updated headshots, etc….), so that they will pay more attention to you and not forget that you are on their roster. They book work for those that talk to them and bring in the most money for them. However, please be prayerful on each opportunity that you accept. Use discernment, pay attention, and listen to the Holy Spirit. Q: How do I know if my agency is a scam? A: Agencies are a scam if they ask you to pay them a fee every month. You should never have to pay an agent for any gig that you have booked yourself. They only receive a percentage of your compensation if it’s a gig that they have booked for you. They receive ONLY 10-20% of your compensation, but they should never collect a monthly fee. Also, you have the right to say NO to any gig that you feel conflicts with your spiritual convictions (if you feel as though you are compromising who you are and your moral values) and they have to respect it. No agent can force you to do something that you do not want to do. If they are forcing you using intimidation, they are most likely a scam. Q: Should a Christian participate in yoga? A: Whether a Christian should practice in yoga is the same battle that takes place around whether a Christian should participate in Halloween. At times people are attracted to what looks cute, glamorous, exciting, or popular but they don’t always know the history/background information behind the holiday or practice. Some things should not be taken lightly as the spirit world does have a massive effect on one’s life. We have to be careful of what we pour into ourselves. The answer would be to do your own research in order to make a conscious decision for yourself. Aletheia. Dance, Inc does not hold yoga classes. We only hold stretch & strength, which consist of basic dance stretching techniques and resistance training using pilates technique. Q: How do you feel about the hip hop dance and culture of today? A: We teach hip-hop that we feel is updated, original, and trendy but not detrimental and pushing the boundaries. We teach it modestly where it’s “hot & poppin’” but not to the level where it opens the gate to vulgarity. Like mentioned in the previous question, what you pour into your spirit is what eventually will come out. There is nothing wrong with sincere love stories, as God has created pure romance. However, love and lust are two different things. Without steering, a true understanding of what love is, and someone to teach and role model true love and romance, a child or teen will continue to pour into their spirit lustful things due to it “feeling” satisfying for the “moment” and will mistaken lust as love. It may not appear to have impacted them immediately but overtime you will find how it has subconsciously affected them through various subliminal. It will play itself out in their view on relationships, how they handle relationships, how they view and carry themselves, and the misuse and abuse of sexual activity that is meant for marriage. We do not condemn those who have missed the mark in that area, as everyone has missed the mark in some area of their lives in which by God’s grace we are helped in areas of weakness, but we do stress the importance and benefits of abstinence with love and compassion and how it saves and preserves them from unforeseen cons. It is best to wait. There are a lot more activities out there for children and teens to be involved in that are just as fun, pure, joyous, and exciting and are not detrimental in the long run. Secondly, there is beauty in diversity. Aletheia embraces the pure hip hop culture. Knowing the history of hip hop and hip hop dance, hip-hop culture’s original intent in the 70s and 80s was actually pure. It was a simple way of expression of people within that culture who simply expressed their day to day interactions and activities. It was innocent, conscious, and showed more of the intellectual side of rappers and dancers, that seems to have been watered down today. However, again the sin is not the art, it’s the heart. If not careful, people of hip hop culture can be misunderstood and misrepresented. Today you still have conscious rappers and even Christian rappers who have taken on the battle of declaring warfare with in that arena to reclaim hip hop back to its original intent because it has definitely gone astray and has subliminally mislead millions of people down a spiraling, dark and downward path without even fully being aware of how it has affected them. |